
Walt Whitman and his artifacts

My first impression and thoughts  *sidenote: I can't really read cursive so I was barely able to make out any of the words, so I have no idea what inner thoughts are shown sorry! When first looking through Whitman's notebook I immediately notice in the description that this notebook is meant to show Whitman's "conversations" with Abraham Lincoln and how they all began in a dream. On page 3 I can make out "brochure" and "two characters .. a dialogue between A. L." This is meant to introduce the reader into how this is going to be conversations between them two. I also noticed a stamp on the page and what I believe to be of an eagle but I'm not sure what that means and this stamp is used at the end of almost every single page. On page 4 I can make out "two religious platforms" but the rest of that page is a mess with a punch of words either crossed out or underlined. As the pages continue Whitman starts to question Lincol...

The American Dreamers

Image  The American Dream What is this 'American dream'?  Well, I would describe it as the ability to be able to pursue your dreams whether they be become rich, own a house, or go to college. I think it's called the American dream because the United States allows the opportunity for one to pursue one's dreams ( but I don't think it has to be US specific). You can become whoever you want to be.  When looking up pictures for this blog post all depictions of the American Dream were very negative, like as if pursuing the American dream will leave you unhappy and in debt. I found this very confusing. I also noticed how many Americans' kind of take this 'American dream' for granted. They forget that it's there and think that their dreams are unattainable, meanwhil...

IOC Practice- I'm sorry in advance :')

ENJOY THIS MEME! Planning: Audio:   My grade: Ok so I will be referencing the IOC Rubric to grade my practice. I apologize in advance because I feel like the rubric's wording is a little vague (?) Also I have incorporated some questions that I ran into while doing this so if anyone has the answers... Criterion A: probably a 3/4 : I feel like I remained only referencing one theme, ( appearance vs. reality) and I'm not sure if I should have mentioned more. But I also did reference the texts for all of the points I made.  - Question: Should I reference all of the qualities of the text or just the ones that stand out the most?  Criterion B: 5/6 because I feel as though I did mention literary features and their impact on the text and the reader, although I feel as thought for every single point I was just stating the same thing over and over again, which isn't great....

Lost in translation

Image*YlHPyTtnAF7R1lX05fMsEw.jpeg #1: Gregory Samsa woke from uneasy dreams one morning to find himself changed into a giant bug. -diction is informal and uses words that most people often use in everyday conversation,  "giant" and "bug". - neither positive nor negative connotations, just seems casual. - basic structure: Noun, verb, adjective, noun. - Gives off the image of someone waking up from bad sleep, to then see himself changed (not sure if he saw it when he woke up immediately, or when they looked into a mirror?)  into a bug like a spider or cricket type creature.  - It is structured as if it's all one thought, there are no commas or conjunctions to connect him waking up to finding out he changed into a giant bug. #2: When Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled dreams one morning he found he had been transformed in his bed into an enormous bug. - diction is somewhat more descriptive of the event, more formal.B...



Story time!

What it's like to be a woman in Hollywood "I'm going to begin today with a story and end with a revolution"  A little summary of the Ted talk : So I just watched this amazing TedTalk with Naomi McDougall Jones about what it's like to be a woman in Hollywood and what we can do to change that. She begins off by telling her story, someone who graduated and went on to become an actress, only every role out there for women were very sexist, and overall gave the women characters no substance or any sort of individuality at all. So Naomi went on to create her own film, despite countless people telling her that no one wants to watch a movie made by women, her film was successful.  So the speaker is arguing that there is very little representation of women in Hollywood, and that that needs to change. She claims Hollywood always tells the same perspective, that of men. So we grow up, and that's all we ever know. She says that we deserve to hear all perspe...