A further look at Jekyll and Hyde
Credit: https://ahutton8.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/dr-jekyll-mr-hyde/
Step One
In Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, the ideas of good and evil are the main theme present in the text. Dr.Jekyll representing the good, while Mr.Hyde represents the evil within human nature. Throughout the text these two are characterized to a great extent in order to show their personalities as well as how other characters interact with them.
For example, Mr. Hyde being the evil one is described as a very unlikable, and troublesome individual. A very odd looking character, with a just as horrible personality. In chapter 4, it states, " he answered never a word, and seemed to listen with an ill-contained impatience. And then all of the sudden he broke out in a great flame of anger, stamping with his foot.. and carrying on (as the mad described it) like a madman." (Stevenson 23). This quote gives great detail regarding his character, because he is described as an impatient person, it also reveals how he has a very low temper, and is angered easily. Mr. Hyde also has little to no impulse control because he anger is what led him to club the man to death, because he was angry at their conversation.This excerpt also reveals other character's reactions toward Mr. Hyde. The maid described him throughout the whole situation as a 'madman', a descriptor that carries many negative connotations. Mr. Hyde is a representation of the evil present in human nature, displaying some of the negative qualities that we carry such as impulsiveness, and anger.
On the contrary, Dr.Jekyll is the complete opposite of Hyde. Jekyll is often described with positive descriptors and looks like a kind man. In chapter 6, it states, "a new life began for Dr.Jekyll. He came out of his seclusion, renewed relations with his friends, became once more their familiar guest and entertainer...his face seemed to open and brighten, s if with an inward conscious of service" ( Stevenson 34). Jekyll is described as a very likable character, and familiar guest within his friendships. We see that Jekyll is a kind man that get along with others, and is a social person. This is greatly different to Hyde because Hyde avoids all interactions, and the little interactions he does encounter, he seems to be very rude( with the little girl, and meeting Utterson) and an unpleasant person to interact with. Jekyll's appearance is also described in a pleasant manner, as opening and brightening as opposed to the darker and duller appearance of Hyde. Jekyll is seen as displaying the positive attributes of human nature, which are very different to that of Hyde's. These two character are differ greatly on purpose, they are supposed to symbolize the extreme examples of evil and good but through people (allegory).
Step Two
This poem is meant to contrast the different viewpoint of Jekyll and Hyde regarding the events that have taken place in the book, as well their different opinion regarding the whole idea of changing identities. This poem is intending to show their different emotions behind the whole situation, which is no often evident in the text (especially Hyde's emotions).
Jekyll: Hyde:
I have made a grave mistake
This is great everything I've wanted
He killed a man and pushed a little girl
To get what one wants, it must be done by force
Always asking for more he's never content
I deserve more
My friends are worried about me
They mustn't know the truth
I think they are onto me
I must not reveal myself too soon
I must hide!
I thought this was temporary
I thought I'd be suppressed forever
The streets of London call to me
I long to feel as I once did
The dreary, dark roads of London call to me
I wish to walk among them more often
I feel myself getting weaker
I am growing stronger
This is not who I am!
This is what we're meant to be!
Give me my body!
Your postings presents a specific viewpoint that is substantiated by supporting examples and your poem was well-written to stimulate dialogue and commentary. Great job incorporating textual evidence, but also providing significant analysis. As always, I enjoyed reading this!