Lost in translation
https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*YlHPyTtnAF7R1lX05fMsEw.jpeg #1: Gregory Samsa woke from uneasy dreams one morning to find himself changed into a giant bug. -diction is informal and uses words that most people often use in everyday conversation, "giant" and "bug". - neither positive nor negative connotations, just seems casual. - basic structure: Noun, verb, adjective, noun. - Gives off the image of someone waking up from bad sleep, to then see himself changed (not sure if he saw it when he woke up immediately, or when they looked into a mirror?) into a bug like a spider or cricket type creature. - It is structured as if it's all one thought, there are no commas or conjunctions to connect him waking up to finding out he changed into a giant bug. #2: When Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled dreams one morning he found he had been transformed in his bed into an enormous bug. - diction is somewhat more descriptive of the event, more formal.B...